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- Paints
Product InformationPaints
- Application Examples in the Field of Paints
Pigments for automobiles and equipment
Pigments for construction and building materials
Anti-corrosive pigments for ship bottoms
Materials that Can be Utilized in the Field of Paints
- Automotive Paints
- Cosmetics, Traditional Crafts
Application Guides and Materials
- Materials for inductors (Application guide) (1487.4KB)
- Semiconductor module peripheral materials (Application guide) (1578.7KB)
- Functional fillers for resins, paints and films (Application guide) (1751.9KB)
- Motor peripheral materials (Application guide) (1369.7KB)
- Products for automotive (Overview) (1894.7KB)
- Electromagnetic shielding materials (Application guide) (1152.6KB)
- Millimeter wave absorbent materials (Application guide) (1063.6KB)
- Noise suppression materials for electrical cables (Application guide) (888.0KB)
- Materials for wireless power transfer (Application guide) (840.2KB)
- Inquiry
Contact:TODA KOGYO CORP. Tokyo Office
Inquire on the Web
TEL +81-3-5439-6040 FAX +81-3-5439-6045
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- Paints